Gourmet Chocolate

Gourmet Chocolate

When thinking of a versatile gift to fit anyone many come down to gourmet chocolate. Gourmet chocolate is incredible with it being the finest of all and made special to fit certain desires. With literally hundreds of gourmet chocolates to choose from all over the world, it is important to know the greatest of all. Here are some that are enjoyed by almost all chocolate lovers all across the globe.

Traditional Gourmet Chocolates

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is created for those with only the finest taste for the greatest things. Described as being the richest chocolate of all chocolates, the special taste is that of real chocolate with fewer flavors added. The popularity of dark chocolate is growing quickly around the world with many finding a new love in its divine rich taste and undeniably smooth consistency.

Milk Chocolate

Milk chocolate is the choice gourmet chocolate for those in the Americas. The recipe comes from Switzerland and is one of their signature chocolate tastes. Adding more milk to the cocoa butter gives an extremely smooth texture, and sweet rich taste. The main difference in Swiss Milk Chocolate and American Milk Chocolate is that American Milk Chocolate is usually flavored with a lot more sugar, making it even sweeter in taste.

White Chocolate

What many call white chocolate has caused great controversy among chocolate makers around the world. The truth of the matter is white chocolate is not even chocolate at all. In order to be deemed real chocolate cocoa powder must be used in the recipe, this is not so with white chocolate. White chocolate is made using cocoa butter but without the cocoa beans therefore isn’t technically chocolate. The rich flavor in white chocolate can be traced to the vanilla used to flavor the cocoa butter. Furthermore, white chocolate is not even really white – real white chocolate is ivory in color.

Nutritional Gourmet Chocolate

For those needing chocolate to meet their diet choices, there is plenty of gourmet chocolate to choose from. The process of making nutritional gourmet chocolate is typically much different than that of normal gourmet chocolate. You can find almost chocolate to fit almost every diet requirement. Here are some of the most popular nutritional gourmet chocolates.

Fat Free Chocolate

If you want to stay fit but can’t resist your chocolate then you are just in luck because gourmet chocolates can be made fat free. Fat free chocolate is not perfect, as one would assume, but the special taste is still one to be desired by many.

Sugar Free Chocolate

Sugar free gourmet chocolate used to be horrible, but thanks to a group of very special chocolate makers it can now be enjoyed as much as gourmet chocolate with sugar. The process of sweetening varies from maker to maker but the overall result is now a wonderful sweet chocolate.

Vegan Chocolates

Special chocolate makers have created a very special chocolate for vegetarians. The idea behind the recipe is that no animal fat, nutrients, or unnatural preservatives are used. This chocolate is typically very strong in flavor and taste very different than non-vegetarian chocolates.

Flavored Gourmet Chocolate

Creating flavored gourmet chocolate is a wonderful phenomenon that has given almost all chocolate makers their chance of chocolate fame. The possibilities are literally endless with hundreds of flavors available from all different areas of the world. Here are some of the most irresistible flavored gourmet chocolates.

Mint Chocolate

Mint chocolate is one of the most popular gourmet chocolate in the world with many chocolate lovers making it tradition after each meal. Some of the finest restaurants also offer a very small piece of mint chocolate for each guest to enjoy after their meal. The process of making mint chocolate comes down to blending menthol into the chocolate during its creation.

Espresso Chocolate

For those that love their hot coffee in the morning but would also like to enjoy the tasty sensation of chocolate Espresso Chocolate is the perfect gourmet chocolate for you. The process of mixing the coffee beans into the chocolate is delicate promising you a smooth consistency of rich dark chocolate hinting a taste of gourmet coffee.

Almond Chocolate

Almond Chocolate is another world favorite with almond being the perfect complimentary taste to chocolate. Blending grinded up almond into chocolate is a worldwide tradition for almost all special holidays. This gourmet tradition is one that most spend the years looking forward to.